Maintaining a clean and organized home can often feel overwhelming, but with the right approach, it can become much more manageable. Here are some expert tips to help keep your home in top condition.

Decluttering Before Cleaning

A common question is whether to clean first or declutter first. The answer lies in understanding that the less clutter in a home, the easier it is to clean. Decluttering not only reduces the amount of work required but also enhances the overall tidiness and visual appeal of a space.

Pro Tip: A simple yet effective technique for tidying involves aligning objects either parallel or perpendicular to the edges of surfaces. This small adjustment instantly makes an area appear more structured and organized.

The Power of the S-Pattern

One of the most effective cleaning techniques is the S-pattern. Many people unknowingly waste time and energy using circular motions, which can actually reintroduce dirt onto already-clean surfaces. Instead, covering a surface in an "S" motion (from top to bottom, left to right), paired with the appropriate cleaning cloth, allows for complete coverage of an area, reducing effort while achieving spotless results. 

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The Importance of a Fresh-Smelling Home

A clean home is not just about appearance—it should also smell fresh. What constitutes a "clean" smell varies from person to person, but if an unpleasant odor is present, it signals an underlying issue. Often, fabrics need refreshing, or there may be an unnoticed spill or accident. A simple strategy is to use your nose to track down odors, identify their sources, and deal with them appropriately.

The Daily Squeegee Habit

One of the most valuable habits for maintaining a spotless shower tiles and glass is using a squeegee after every shower. As water dries, it leaves behind soap scum and mineral deposits, leading to buildup over time. A quick squeegee session—it takes less than a minute!—prevents this problem entirely, keeping shower doors and tiles looking pristine without the need for a deep clean to remove soap scum.

Always Pre-Treat Surfaces

When cleaning any surface, always pre-treat and then wipe/scrub. Spraying surfaces and allowing cleaning products to do the work for you reduces a ton of (wasted) effort. This is particularly effective for tackling soap scum, grime, and other stubborn residues.

Mess Attracts Mess

A cluttered home tends to invite more clutter, while a tidy home encourages continued cleanliness. This principle, often likened to the Law of Attraction, suggests that starting small—such as decluttering a kitchen counter—can lead to a cascading effect throughout the home. By maintaining a decluttered space, the tendency to accumulate unnecessary items diminishes over time.

Time Yourself!

One of the most effective ways to clean efficiently is to use a timer. For those who dislike cleaning, dedicating just five to ten minutes at a time can make a significant impact. Pairing this up with some music or listening to a podcast is a great way to make the time less painful.

February 20, 2025