If you're reading this, you've probably heard that microfiber cloths are great cleaning tools. But why? What makes them so special? Why not just use an old t-shirt, a nondescript rag, or paper towel? Well, let's dive a little deeper into the magic of microfiber.

What the Heck is Microfiber Anyway?

This can be so confusing because everything is so... well, microscopic! The short version is that microfiber an ultra-fine synthetic fiber consisting most often (at least in the cleaning business) of polyesters, and potentially a smaller proportion of polyamides.

Microfiber, as the name implies, are made up of microscopic fibers—specifically, less than one denier. To give you an idea of how small that is, each fiber in microfiber is two times finer than silk, three times finer than cotton, eight times finer than wool, and one hundred times finer than a human hair. That's some thin fiber!


These microfibers can ultimately be woven or non-woven, and are unique because of their absorbency, ability to pick-up bacteria, quick-drying and non-linting properties.

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The Bacteria Trapper

During the manufacturing process these microfibers are split into a multi-stranded fiber, which appears similar in shape to an asterisk. This unique pattern is unparalleled in its ability to pick up and trap microscopic materials (dust, debris, bacteria, etc.) compared to its cotton counterpart.

A study at UC Davis found that in a hospital setting "after a surface was cleaned with conventional tools, a bacteria culture showed a 30-percent reduction, while microfiber materials reduced bacteria by 99 percent".

In short, most traditional materials simply push debris around, where microfber actually traps and removes it.

Ultra-Absorbent & Non-Linting

This unique asterisk shape described above also means microfiber is ultra-absorbent, which makes it perfect for cleaning surfaces, sopping up spills, and even drying you and your hands. At Maker's Clean our industry leading microfiber cloths were designed to be super thick—weighing in at a whopping 350 GSM—meaning they can hold approximately 8 times their weight in water!

Microfiber cloths are also non-linting, which means they leave no streaks or fibers behind. You can even find special weaves designed for cleaning delicate surfaces like glass and electronics.

Eco-Conscious Cleaning Product

Microfiber cloths can clean surfaces using only water—while you can of course use common cleaning products with microfiber, they are very effective with just plain old water, making them an eco-friendly choice (and they're hypoallergenic as well).

In addition, Maker's Clean premium microfiber cloths can be washed hundreds of times, meaning you'll have them for years and years! This results in a wide array of eco-savings, including thousands of sheets of disposable paper towels and/or disposable wipes not ending up in a landfill. This also results in a carbon footprint reduction from the (lack of) transportation of these same disposable products.

Our motto at Maker's Clean is clean once and clean well. And to do that, you need the best cleaning tools to get the job done. That's why we always recommend microfiber for cleaning!

June 01, 2022